Our Baby Girl's Nursery Tour

Today I’m sharing out baby girl’s nursery! I’m so excited about the way everything turned out, and we can’t wait for our girl to be here soon. We are due in about a week, and I’m currently on maternity leave while we wait for her arrival, so I thought I would share some photos of her nursery with you as well as some links for where we purchased everything in case you'‘re in the process of setting up your own nursery.

When we started thinking about decorating the nursery, I imagined painting the room grey, but Mark really wanted a pink room after we found out we were having a girl. How could I deny a dad that was so excited about a pink room for his daughter?! We chose a soft, light pink color, and I loved how it turned out, especially with the grey and white decor in the room.

We chose this crib based on the safety ratings and the versatility. It can be converted into a toddler bed, a day bed, and a twin bed!

I knew I wanted a name sign for her, but it took us SOOO long to come up with a name. It feels like such an important decision, since it’s a life long decision. Luckily, we decided on a name just in time to be able to order this sign to come in in time. We got it on Etsy!

One of my favorite things to do as a kid was read! It’s still one of my favorite things, but I have so many good memories of reading with my parents when I was a child. I wanted the same thing for my daughter, so I knew I wanted a little reading area in her room. Mark’s brother and sister-in-law threw us such a sweet baby shower where people brought books instead of cards, which is where we got most of these books! I can’t wait to read them with her! The rocking chair is super comfy, and I’m sure we will love spending time with her here!

We found the perfect clear book shelves here!

My friend made this felt mobile for us! For now, it’s in the middle of the room, but we do plan to move it over her crib in a few months. My friend asked me what type of theme I wanted, and we went with floral since we chose a flower name for our little girl. You can check out my talented friend’s shop here!

I love this fun play mat and baby bouncer!

These cubbies have been super helpful for organizing her closet! Also, something that no one warned me about is the fact that baby clothes don’t fit on regular hangers! You have to order special baby hangers. I love these ones that I found! they come with size organizers too!

I hope you loved this tour of our baby girl’s nursery! We are so excited for her to be here, and I feel like this little space will be perfect for her!